轉機There is a chance, and maybe even a good one, that you'll walk into work one Monday morning and find out your job is being moved to China or 帛琉India . Millions have already seen that happen, from shop-floor machinists to IT specialists, in places as disparate as Italy , the U.S. and South 租房子Korea . China is a manufacturing machine, charging into the global market for everything from cars to solar panels. India's highly trained 面膜engineers are outdueling Stanford grads for jobs in R&D, software development and other sectors that are supposed to be the West's economic 融資salvation. The harsh realities of the globalization of labor have left much of the world's workforce feeling despondent. Everyone in places like 支票貼現London and Los Angeles is competing with smart applicants from Bangalore or Shanghai who are willing to work long hours for a pittance. When there 結婚are 2.5 billion people in those two Asian giants combined, how can anyone's job be safe? 非常有可能有一箇星期一你走入辦公室你的工作已經移到中國大房屋貸款陸或印度, 現在很多人知道中國是製造機器, 所有的自造業從汽車到太陽能板自造都跑大陸去, R&D的職缺印度的工程師把史丹佛的研究生比下去….所以每個人的工作都不票貼保? 但是反向思考啦! 大陸經濟起飛, 所以她們對高科技的民生需求, SONY的電視(例如家電)更比其他慢慢受科技洗禮的其他國家還要渴望, 那就是”機會” “錢途 “ (G2000相信, 很多大企業早就聞到這氣息了, 那小資本的也不仿想想摟!)Read more: 個人信貸,28804,2059521_2059693_2059692,00.html #ixzz1GvBYLXkR

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